IT’S TIME TO imagine, envision, and plan your future.

Intuition is not something reserved for psychics and mediums. We are all intuitive creatures – we each have an inner voice talking to us, telling us about our deepest desires and secret hopes.

The true gift is to bring this intuitive voice to the surface – and learn how to listen to it. Through my coaching sessions we listen and empower you to move forward into your dreams.


Are you ready to Unlock Your Block?

Whatever may be holding you back from your career goals, let’s sweep it away and pursue your potential.

Sign up TODAY for a one-hour intuitive deep dive that will unleash your spirit and Unlock Your Block.

My Career Planning questions look like this…

Let’s talk about you

  • What are your talents and strengths?

  • What kind of work will use those talents and highlight your strengths?

  • What does the job that will fulfill you look, sound (and most importantly) feel like?

Let’s talk about your future

  • When you’re doing the work you truly love, describe your life outside of work.

  • What can you accomplish, both personally and professionally?

  • What other opportunities does your dream job lead you to?

Let’s talk about the work

  • Does this job exist today?

  • Where do you find it?

  • If it does not exist, can you create it?

  • How do you make it yours?

Find what works for you…

career crossroads SESSIONs

one on one sessions or Packages

Are you looking for someone you can talk to when you need it most, or are you looking for an in-depth coaching and planning engagement that will help you determine your career objectives and goals? Do you want to work through hidden struggles, issues, and obstacles that are keeping you from a career that fills you with a sense of your own potential? Let’s design what works best for you!

If you…

  • Need to be empowered and guided on a career issue?

  • Know that you’re meant for something more but are unsure how to get it. 

  • Can feel an unseen power holding you back from who you are and what you’re meant to be. 

  • Want to go deep FAST and clear away your obstacles and limitations? 

  • Need the help of an empowerment career coach and trusted guide.

Then, this one-hour deep dive is right for you!

Unlock your block

A career empowerment one-on-one session to help you release your limits and pursue your potential.

How it works:

  • Robin will take you on a guided conversation and empowerment journey to help you identify and release the blocks that have held you back from your desired career. 

  • This session lasts 60 minutes and is done over on-line face to face video. 

Price: $250

2-Session Package

Book 2 sessions and save with this accelerated plan, two one-hour sessions to help you jumpstart the vision for your future.

If you…

  • Find yourself working through a specific issue at work. 

  • Need coaching for an upcoming interview.

  • Need help balancing your parent / work responsibilities. 

  • Have an upcoming project that you need to talk through.

  • Are ready to organize your thoughts for an upcoming career plan.

Then this package is perfect for you!

How it works:

  • We'll meet once per week for 2 consecutive weeks (a total of 2 sessions).

  • These sessions lasts 60 minutes each and is done over online face-to-face video.

Price: $500

4-session Planning Package

In-depth coaching and planning sessions that focus on what you want, what’s holding you back, how to break through your blocks and go after the vision you have for your work and your life.

If you…

  • Have a challenge at work you need to work through. 

  • Need to organize your thoughts and plans around a specific project or opportunity. 

  • Want to learn quick tools on how to have hard conversations at work. 

  • Are ready to dive in and find out how you can be more happy and inspire clothes in the workplace. 

  • Want to find your inner badass!

Then this package is perfect for you!

How it works:

  • We'll meet once per week for 4 consecutive weeks (a total of 4 sessions).

  • These sessions last 60 minutes each and are done over online face-to-face video.

  • You’ll be assigned between-session homework!

This is an investment…To learn more, schedule a call to chat

13-session Planning Package

If you…

  • Want to identify what parts of your job work and which aspects don’t align with your spirit and your intention.

  • Are ready to discover your boundaries, and embrace your strengths while you address your weaknesses. 

  • Want to hone your communication and interviewing skills. 

  • Want to figure out what you REALLY want in your job, and how to prioritize your wants and needs. 

  • Need to learn how to be confident in your decisions around your work-life balance.

Then this package is perfect for you!

How it works:

  • We'll meet once per week consecutively (a total of 13 weeks (13 sessions).

  • Each session will last 60 minutes. 

  • You’ll be assigned between-session homework.

  • Bi-Monthly Group Sessions.

  • 50% off workshops

  • Monthly Newsletter

This is a significant investment…To learn more, schedule a time to chat.

When you learn how to listen to your inner wisdom, your life will open up in ways you can’t even imagine.

You will realize that your future is yours to design. The power is entirely in your hands. 

It starts with a vision – for the life you want to live and the work that can support that life.

You may feel stagnant where you are at today. Mired in a job or a career path that doesn’t make you happy. Your choices seem limited. You may be afraid of change and terrified of risk. You may be burdened with the false belief that “good enough” is enough for you. You’re wrong. There’s a better future waiting for you.

All you have to do is ask for it.